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Great Pumpkin Day
Parents of Primary and Lower School students join their children at a rollicking Great Pumpkin Day event and the children enjoy games, crafts and special food through the remainder of the day.
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
Join the fun in preparing for this wonderful event. Â Tasks include window painting, custom T-shirts, coordinating with the facilities team, and volunteering on the day of the event.
Responsibilities of the committee:
- Attend VSSA Meeting before and after event.
GPD T-Shirts
- T-Shirt Design - Get design approval in August (or early September)
- Student Orders needed by 10/1 (school admin sends size order form out)
- Organize orders and distribute to classrooms
GPD - Window Painting
- Order Window Film in advance (work with Patti)
- Make sure you email the LS/PS Division Reps with details and dates (Work with Assistants to Head of LS/PS to schedule)
- Make sure the room parents coordinate volunteers
- Check with Patti about supplies and what is needed.
GPD – Activities
- Activities to be organized (Patti to assist – Please talk with her)
- Prizes to be ordered then distributed (Patti to work with Teachers). Follow up with Patti on this.
GPD – Trick or Treat Bags
- Confirm numbers but usually ~400 Bags are needed
- Order bags in September
- Can order from T-shirt vendor or any other vendor with similar product.
Attend monthly VSSA Meetings & all major VSSA events
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