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Faculty & Staff Appreciation
Create special events to show our appreciation to Viewpoint Teacher, Administrative staff, and all Support teams.
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
Teacher Appreciation Coffee
- Secure a coffee cart
- Create Invite for our teachers
- Need to set up order system for teachers to place the order and within what time frame  (Patti has some input on this)
- Invite parents to provide baked goods & fruit
- Need to create sign up genius for the baked goods & volunteers
- Create a schedule to distribute the coffees
Holiday Staff Treat
- Assist presidents in identifying a holiday treat
- Assist in distributing the treat across campus
National Teacher Appreciation Week:
- Create a fun-filled week to show appreciation to the Viewpoint Staff & Faculty
- Coordinate All school employee Appreciation Breakfast with the Grade and and Room Parents
- Coordinate student thank you card writing and delivery
- Create a special event for teachers
Attend monthly VSSA meeting and all major VSSA events
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