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Senior Events Contribution

The VSSA Senior events committee is looking forward to coordinate monthly events for the Class of 2024. This includes breakfasts, lunches, and Senior swag.

Time is TBD

Location is TBD

Most events are parent funded (in addition to special gifts). With that said, it's traditional for the parents to contribute a minimum of $300 per student (if you feel inclined to contribute more, it is much appreciated). While  we would love everyone to contribute and reach 100% participation, we  understand this may not be feasible. Please don't hesitate to reach out  to us if you have any concerns.

Ali Bernstein (Lily '24, Casey '26) - (513) 310-7634

Alexandra Hughes (Julianna '24, Jasper '27) - (310) 849-7413

Roohi Stack (Azim '24, Farah '17, Tariq, '20) - (310) 924-9559

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  • Senior Event Contribution

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